Vilt vader!


Det vilda vadret (vindar som blast 128km/h, 10m hoga vagor och osregn) har hallt mig busy pa jobbet med alla artiklar om galna surfare som gett sig ut i havet och trad som blast omkull.

Har kommer tva videos; en ar riktigt, en ar fake. Ratt latt att gissa vilken ;)

Svensk-kvall i Sydney?

Anna tycker att vi ska dra ihop en till svensk utekvall (alla valkomna!). Drinkar igen pa nagot kul stalle, en fredagkvall igen kanske.

Vad tycker ni Sydney-svenskar som laser, ska vi? :)


Louis Vuittons skyltfonster

Fattar kangurun och krokodilen, men varfor en alg?


Australiens motsvarighet till Sveriges Kristallen holls igar, och jag tankte bjuda pa nagra bilder pa vackra klanningar darifran!

Mina favoriter ar den forsta, skadelspelerskan Asher Keddies, och andra, foredetta australiska Miss Universe Jennifer Hawkins (mintgront+korallrosa+brun hy= hur snyggt?!)

Vilken ar eran favorit?

In my backyard

Tror aldrig jag kommer vanja mig vid att se papegojor sittandes i palmtraden i tradgarden (eller att ha palmtrad i tradgarden for den delen)...

Bridge Bday

I ar var den 80 ar sedan vackra Sydney Harbour Bridge byggdes.

Lite fun facts...

The Sydney Harbour Bridge – Australian icon, postcard favourite and international TV star every New Year’s Eve. But what do you really know about Sydney’s beloved ‘coat hanger’?

Building the bridge – “About that quote…”
  • Construction on the Sydney Harbour Bridge started in 1924. It took 1,500 men, eight years, 53,000 tonnes of steel and six million hand driven rivets to complete the world’s biggest Meccano Set.
  • When finished in 1932 the final bill was £10 million – more than double the original quote. In today’s money, that’s more than $1.5 billion. The loan wasn’t paid off until 1988.
  • The top of the arch rises and falls up to 18 centimetres when the temperature changes. They put in special hinges to accommodate this.
Painting – that’s not a bridge, THAT’S a bridge!
  • At the time, Grey was the only colour paint available in such quantities. It took 272 thousand litres just to get the first coat on.
  • Paul Hogan worked as painter on the bridge before he found better paying day jobs on TV and making Crocodile Dundee movies.
Opening ceremony madness
  • Retired cavalry officer, Francis De Groot somehow worked his way into the honour guard at the Bridge opening. Just as the ribbon was about to be cut, he galloped forward on his horse and slashed it with his sword, declaring the Bridge open in the name of 'the decent citizens of New South Wales'. 
  • After retying the ribbon as best they could, the ceremony continued. De Groot was carried off to a mental hospital, declared insane and later fined for the cost of the ribbon.
Crossing the bridge
  • In the early years, 11 thousand cars travelled over the Bridge each day. Now more than 160 thousand make the journey.
  • In 1976 the billionth vehicle crossed the bridge. The first 500 million took more than 33 years. The second 500 million, less than 11 years.
Climbing the bridge
  • Before BridgeClimb opened in 1998, it was a rite of passage for the bravest (craziest?) young Sydneysiders to climb the bridge illegally. Since BridgeClimb opened, the most frequent climber is an 83 year-old from Sydney who has done it 26 times.
  • 2.5 million people (58% of them international visitors) have legally enjoyed what Lonely Planet call, “one of the top ten adrenaline experiences in the world.” 5,000 were engaged by the time they climbed down.
  • Big celebs love the bridge. Will Smith, Matt Damon, Nicole Kidman, Kylie Minogue, Justin Timberlake, Cameron Diaz, Robert De Niro, Pierce Brosnan, Cate Blanchett, Teri Hatcher, Prince Harry, and Crown Prince Fredrick, Crown Princess Mary of Denmark and many others have all made the climb.

Sydney Storm

Sydney hade ett riktigt regnovader igar som resulterade i oversvammade gator och byggnader och nerstangda strander.

Ingenting jamfor med oversvamningarna i regionala NSW men i en stad som Sydney, med fyra miljoner invanare, blir det latt kaos nar gator maste stangas av pga oversvamning.

Kelly Slater gav sig ut och surfade i det vilda vadret i Kurnell (precis vid Cronulla dar jag bor) och hans brada klovs i tva bitar.

En bild pa en kille som la sig i vattnet som forsade nedfor en trappa i Bondi Beach cirkulerade pa Facebook.


Pa tal om att forbjuda saker (skrev ju om solarium forbudet haromdagen)

Nu har NSW Government bestamt sig for att forbjuda rokning pa alla uteserveringar, alla allmanna pooler, lekparker, buss, tag och farje hallplatser och vid ingangen av alla statligt agda byggnader.

Vad tycker ni, bra eller dalig ide?

Som jag skrev om solariumen, alla vet ju hur daligt rokning ar for halsan.

Kommer forbuden gora nagon skillnad i antalet folk som roker?

Jag tycker det ar bra pa ett satt, de som inte roker inte ska behova andas in cigarettroken fran nagon som sitter jamte en och vantar pa bussen eller vid samma bord nar man ater.

Hur skont var det inte nar de forbjod rokning fran nattklubbar och pubar? Nar jag jobbade pa olika nattklubbar och barer i Goteborg innan forbudet sa var nagot av det varsta med jobbet att kladerna och haret luktade skit nar man kom hem.

Men om rokning ar sa illa, varfor ar det tillatet overhuvudtaget?

Alla vet att alkohol resulterar i mer vald, men anda ar det tilatet att dricka.

Vart gar gransen?

Hur ar det med reglerna hemma i Sverige, far man fortfarande roka pa alla uteserveringar?

Solarium forbud

Kommersiella solarium kommer vara forbjudna i hela australiska staten New South Wales (dar Sydney ligger) fran och med December 31, 2014.

Tidigare sa har det varit forbjudet for folk under 18, och nagra ar senare for de under 30, att sola solarium om det inte ar for medicinskt bruk.

Men nu ska alltsa kommersiella solarium forbjudas helt och hallet.

Jag har inte solat solarium sedan jag flyttade till Australien for over sex ar sedan.

Tycker det ar idioti att lagga sig i ett solarium nar man redan bor i ett land som knappt har nagot ozonlager.

Daremot sa solade jag ibland nar jag bodde i Sverige.

Aven om det ar daligt for bade halsan och hyn sa var det svart att lata bli mitt i vintern nar man kande sig blek och trott.

I Australien ser man konstant reklamer om hudcancer och tyvarr sa far ju, om jag inte minns fel, en av fyra personer boende har hudcancer under sin livstid. Skrammande statistik.

Jag har alltid pa mig 30plus solkram nar jag ligger pa stranden och fast jag tycker om att se lite brun ut sa forknippar jag inte langre en mork solbranna med nagot som ar snyggt eller halsosamt langre, pa det sattet som jag brukade tycka nar jag bodde i Sverige.

Men ar det ratt att forbjuda kommersiella solarium helt och hallet, bara for att man vet att det ar daligt for halsan?

Racker det inte att ha 18-ars aldersgrans?

Ska man forbjuda allt som ar ohalsosamt sa borde ju inte cigaretter, alkohol eller McDonalds fa finnas till heller.

Men regeringen tjanar ju alldeles for mycket pengar pa bade sprit o cigg.

Vad tycker ni? Ar ett forbud en bra ide?

Sarah Sweeney uses a sunbed at Sunspa at Dee Why.

Think Sydney is expensive? You're right

    (Men inte like dyrt som Oslo!)


Sydney is one of the world's most expensive cities. Photo: Michele Mossop

Sydney has again been named Australia's most expensive city.

Sydney has been ranked the seventh most expensive city in the world in a cost of living survey of 130 cities by the Economist Intelligence Unit, compared with sixth last time.

"The cost of living in Sydney is now almost 50 per cent higher than that of global business centre New York – while a decade ago Sydney was more than 25 per cent cheaper than New York," Worldwide Cost of Living report editor Jon Copestake said from London.

"The cost of a loaf of bread in Sydney has almost doubled in the past decade in US dollar terms, while petrol prices have risen threefold and rice prices have almost quadrupled," Mr Copestake said.

While Melbourne basks in the title of the world's most liveable city (according to the Economist Intelligence Unit's Global Liveability Ranking), the privilege of living in Melbourne comes at a high price. Melbourne has been ranked the eighth most expensive city in the world.

The cost of living survey compares hundreds of prices across 160 products and services, including food, clothing, rent, transport, utility bills and recreational costs.

The survey has been carried out for 30 years and uses New York as the base city for comparison.

Rankings for other Australian cities include Perth 12, Brisbane 13 and Adelaide 17.

The report found the cost of living in the five Australian cities was higher than cities such as London, Rome, New York, Berlin, Hong Kong, Beijing, Shanghai and Rio de Janeiro.

"Exchange rates have been the greatest influence for the Australian cost of living, with the Australian dollar seeing its value relative to the US dollar double in a decade, although local price inflation, especially last year, has also played a part," Mr Copestake said.

The three most expensive cities in the world to live in are Zurich, 1, up from five last year; Tokyo, 2, down from 1 and Geneva, 3, up from 9.

The world's least expensive cities included, Dhaka, Algiers and New Delhi.

The 10 most expensive cities are:

  1. Zurich  (Switzerland)
  2. Tokyo  (Japan)
  3. Geneva (Switzerland)
  4. Osaka Kobe (Japan)
  5. Oslo  (Norway)
  6. Paris  (France)
  7. Sydney  (Australia)
  8. Melbourne  (Australia)
  9. Singapore  
  10. Frankfurt  (Germany)

Read more:

AACTA Asher Keddie

Jag ville lagga upp bilder pa australiaska kandisar i deras fina klanningar fran Australiens motsvarighet till Guldbaggen, Australian Academy of Cinema and Television Arts (AACTA).

Men jag kunde inte ens hitta tre klanningar jag gillade.

Miranda Kerr sag ut som hon dragit fram sina gamla balklanning (mind you, hon var fortfarande skitsnygg. Jag tror inte hon kan vara ful i nagot, men klanningen - nej) och snygga modellen Megan Gale lyckades se trakig ut.

Visst, Meryl Streep var ok och overdelen pa Cate Blanchetts guldklanning med.

Asher Keddie's klanning (och hon med forstas) var daremot supervacker!

Alskar knapparna pa ryggen och den korsett-liknande overdelen. Micket snyggt. Har garna pa mig nagot liknande om jag gifter mig.

What the...

Sockerfritt tuggummi med smak av mint choc chip glass.... varfor?


Sara mejlade och hade lite fragor ang. boende i Sydney, och jag tankte att jag kan likagarna svara pa dem har eftersom det kanske ar fler som undrar samma saker.

Hur bor du? Hur stort och vad betalar du för det?

Jag bor for tillfallet med min pojkvans foraldrar eftersom vi vantar pa att flytta in i ett hus vi har kopt.

Tidigare bodde vi i en lagenhet i Cronulla (en forort vid havet cirka en timma utanfor Sydney). (Bilder nedan.)

Det var itne moblerad och hade ett sovrum, ett kontor, stort vardagsrum och litet kok (som var i stort behov av renovering). Vi hade en balkong med park och havsutsikt. Hyran var $450 i veckan (cirka 2900kr). El ingick inte.

Ja, hyror i Sydney betalas oftast en gang i veckan (jag tror aldrig jag har hort talas om nagon som betalar manadshyra). Man far oftast aven lon en gang i veckan.

Har du någon aning om vad en etta i utkanten av Sydney skulle kosta i månaden ungefär?

Det beror pa. Vi bor i utkanten av Sydney men for att det ar vid havet sa ar det lika dyrt som att bo inne i stan.

Jag kan gissa pa att en lagenhet i utkanten som inte ligger i narheten av havet kan ga pa... $300 ($1950) i veckan? Om du vill bo narmare stan kan det kosta uppemot $700 (4550kr) i veckan.

Mitt basta tips ar att kolla in och och klicka pa Rent for att fa en ide om vad det kostar och vad som ingar i hyran.
Vet du hur man enkelt skulle kunna få tag i en lägenhet för 3-4 månader? Är det svårt att hyra kort tid?

For att hyra bara nagra manader skulle jag rekommendera att du kikar in pa Dar finns det en kategori under Rent som heter Short Term. Manga av dem ar moblerade, vilket saklart kan vara en bra ide om man inte planerar att stanna i landet sa lange.

Har du tips om några andra städer i Australien som du tycker är värda att kolla upp? Vet du hur prisläget ser ut i olika städer?

Jag vet tyvarr inte hur prislaget ser ut i andra stader, har bara bott i Sydney under min tid i Australien. Sydney ar dyrast kan jag tanka mig. Om jag var du skulle jag aven kolla in fina Melbourne, och Perth som ar mycket mindre an Sydney men, fran vad jag har hort, riktigt fint!

Ga aven in och las Emmy's inlagg ang. hyra i Australien.

Lite bilder fran var gamla lagenhet:

Only in Australia: Meter Maids in bikinis

Lite Aussie-kuriosa:

Pa Australiens guldkust, narmare bestamt i Surfers Paradise, finns det sakallade meter maids.

Sahar beskrivs de i guideboken "Australien" (Vagabond Förlag):

Surfers Paradise är ingen plats som skäms för sina turistattraktioner, även om de ibland är av det ovanligare slaget.

Surfers Paradise Meter Maids är en institution i staden.

Ända sedan 1960-talet har vackra kvinnor i guldlamébikini och knälånga stövlar matat parkeringsautomater med mynt om tiden har gått ut, böjt sig över motorhuven och stuckit in en lapp under vindrutetorkarna med en hälsning om att en sponsor har varit framme.

Det är en gimmick som i alla tider har orsakat ett visst trafikkaos.

Sydneys basta strander

The Daily Telegraph poangsatte Sydneys strander och stranderna i Cronulla i The South dar jag bor framrostades som bast i stan!

Tyckte det var en bra lista over strander for er som ar nya Sydney-bor:

The South

The Beaches
: Elouera, Wanda, North Cronulla, Cronulla, Jibbon

Lifeguards: Yes, at all the beaches.

There's not a parking metre in the whole of the Sutherland Shire. Giddy up. Parking is metred though and the further you get away from the mall, the easier finding a space tends to be. It's also the only beach in Sydney with a train station with walking distance of the sand, so you don't even need to worry about finding a space for the jalopy.

Best food
: Start your day with a swish waterfront breakfast at either Zimzala or The Nuns' Pool. As the day warms up cool off with an ice cream from Frangipani. If you're looking for Fish and Chips, Notaras Fish Markets are about as fresh as they come, while Nulla Nulla cafe is a long-time locals favourite. Inland Paul's Hamburgers at Sylvania have big wraps on them.

Best bar:
Sunday afternoons at Northies are still an institution for those seeking to make getting out of bed on Monday morning even tougher. The beers and margaritas flow freely at Mexican restaurant El Sol while Zinc Bar and cafe is known for its cocktails.

Take your pick really, depending on the swell direction and winds North Cronulla, Wanda and Elouera can all have the best conditions. A project to create a man made sand bar out to sea in March should also improve the breaks along the beach through Autumn and winter.

South Cronulla is the safest and also has an ocean pool for added protection, but there are plenty of red and yellow flagged areas along the beach to help you avoid the rips. Take the ferry ride across to Jibbon Beach for a protected swim and something a bit different.

Amenities: The southern end of the beach has the most facilities including showers, toilets, and playground equipment, but by the time get around to Wanda things are a bit more sparse as the sand dunes appear. Even so there's still showers, toilets and drinking water.

: Perhaps best known for producing modelling exports Lara Bingle and the Tozzi sisters, Cheyenne and Tahyna, these days you're probably more likely to spot a sports star than model.

Sharks new recruit and NRL bad boy Todd Carney is the latest to head to the Shire, while Australian cricket captain Michael Clarke has moved from the eastern suburbs to the Shire, closer to new girlfriend Kyly Boldy. He joins a host of big name cricketers in the area including Ricky Ponting and former fast bowler Glenn McGrath.

The bad: Unfair or not, the insular peninsular has still got a stigma as the home for in-your-face nationalism since the 2005 riots.

Plenty of parking spots, waves, food, and beers give the Shire an title-winning 8.

Cronulla Beach

The Northern Beaches

The beaches: Dee Why, Freshwater, Palm Beach, Curl Curl, Whale Beach, Manly, Collaroy, Avalon, Newport, Narrabeen, Bilgola, Mona Vale

: Lifeguards patrol all the main beaches from Collaroy to Manly between 9am to 6pm, but the hours vary between beaches. Patrol times are online at

There's lots of on-street parking but it's mostly metered, and you'll have to fight off backpackers in sleeper caravans taking some of the best spots. Secure car parks are pricey.

Best food: The coffee at North Curl Curl's Curly's on the Corner is hard to beat, but you're a fool if you bypass the baguettes at Burgers on Parade at Avalon. On the pricier end, Barrenjoey Boathouse at Palm Beach and Pilu at Freshwater are tasty options.

Best pubs:
The Steyne Hotel at Manly is the obvious choice. But the Newport Arms, and The Brookvale Hotel with $11.90 steaks everyday, are local hot spots. If you're looking to have a quiet one avoid The Habord Beach Hotel at Freshwater - locals say everyone knows everyone here and you'll probably bump into someone you know.

: Widely considered Sydney's blue-ribbon surfing belt. Manly has punchy barrels, Queenscliff is the place for big wave riders, and Freshwater Beach is popular among bodysurfers and nippers on body boards.

Good swimming beaches, but some like Manly and Queenscliff are better for surfing. With golden sand and pristine water, most have ocean pools for the kiddies. Dare-devils should head to Narrabeen for any water activity under the sun like including windsurfing, sailing, kayaking, canoeing, rowing and fishing.

: You'll find showers and toilet blocks at each of the beaches, with various levels of cleanliness.

: Out of towners call it the St Tropez of Sydney. Palm Beach - or Summer Bay to Home and Away fans - is brimming with sun-seeking celebrities like singer Leo Sayer, bondage queen Madame Lash, Bec and Lleyton Hewitt, model Elle McPherson, Hollywood director George Miller and journalist Jana Wendt. John Cleese, David Bowie and the Duke of Edinburgh have been spotted at Whale Beach. And the regular eye candy at Manly - where Nicole Kidman and Keith Urban got married in 2006 - includes surfer Layne Beachley, former swimmer Kieran Perkins, players from the Manly Sea Eagles rugby league team and surfer Guy Leech.

Dogs aren't allowed but there are some off-leash reserves most beaches.

Best to head to the pub for a cold one, these are alcohol free zones.

Bring your tweezers - ticks are rampant. If you're not a local, be prepared to be stared at. Hard to get to if you don't drive - can be more than one hour on the bus from the city.

7. So many options, from the overdeveloped corso at Manly to the open stretches of Palm Beach means you're pretty much covered in the North. You just have to survive the drive first.

Manly Beach

The Harbour

The beaches: Washaway Beach, Redleaf, Balmoral Beach, Nielsen Park, Obelisk Beach, Little Manly Beach, Camp Cove

No, it's up to you to play safe.

Most of the harbour beaches have free parking along nearby residential streets, if not much of it. There are some exceptions most notably Balmoral Beach, which has much-hated metered parking, and Little Manly Beach.

Best food
: If The Nielsen Park Cafe isn't booked for a wedding or function it's worth a visit, if you're in the mood for a sit down meal. The tiny Bacino bar at Clifton Gardens also does a decent coffee. At some of the more remote beaches you'll need to pack your own supplies. Just remember there's an unoffical tax in Sydney with a Harbour view, so expect to part with some cash wherever you go.

Best bars:
Things are rather civilised along the Harbour's edge and getting your hands on a cold beverage can be a challenge unless you go to a licensed restaurant. The eastern suburbs institution The Sheaf is within walking distance of Redleaf. The Watson's Bay Hotel faces west giving you views of the sun setting over the city.

: Only on the heaviest days can you surf in the Harbour. Watson's Bay, Nielsen Park have been known to be ridable when most ocean beaches are too big for all but the complete nutbars. A bombie off Middle Head can also fire on big swell days.

Everywhere. There are nets to keep out the bull sharks at most beaches so all you've got worry about is not getting too burnt.

: The most popular beaches, such as Balmoral and Redleaf, have all the mod cons you'd expect for a beach in one of the middle of Australia's biggest city. Hidden beaches like Washaway have nothing, so you'll have to hang on or enjoy the secret satisfaction of peeing in the water.

Either the inner-city beaches are a celeb-free area or the paparazzi are too busy focusing their lenses on Bondi and Palm Beach. I'm guessing the latter. Eric Banner must feel unlucky - he's just about the only A-lister to be spotted on a Harbour beach in the last 18 month.

The bad:
Seriously, it's not a beach unless there's a wave. Unless you are under the age of three or have children under the age of three you should be at a real beach.

: 5. Only because they're uncrowded. And there's a bonus point in there because you can get nude at Obelisk and not get arrested.


The East

The beaches: Bondi, Tamarama, Bronte, Clovelly, Coogee, Maroubra

: Yes, at all beaches.

: Metered, timed and very scarce in Bondi and Bronte. Expect to pay $4.40 an hour in the streets closest to the beach, and $7 an hour for the beach front car park. The car park at Clovelly is free, but you be asked to donate to the local Surf Life Saving Club when you drive in and it's often full. By far the easiest place to park is Maroubra with plenty of two hour car spaces close to the beach.

Best food:
Out Of the Blue in Clovelly has the best burgers in Sydney. The best. But you'll have to queue to get one. It's hard to go past A Fish Called Coogee for fish and chips, while Pompeii's in Bondi serves some of the better gelato in Sydney, but prices are steep.

Best pubs:
Icebergs and North Bondi RSL have unbeatable views at either end of Bondi Beach. You can also try Bondi Hardware and Bondi FM for something a bit more intimate and upmarket.

Clovelly Hotel has been the long time family favourite on weekends, but if you plan on eating make sure you book ahead as much of the iconic pub is undergoing renovations at the moment.

Surfing: Being the biggest stretch of sand Maroubra has the most surfing options, but Bronte offers the best protection when a southerly blows. When the flags are up at Tamarama it's foam boards only in the water.

When the flags are up you can take your pick, really. Just avoid the infamous "backpacker express" rip at south Bondi. Tamarama is also not for the inexperienced beach goer, with rips forming at either end of the beach. While Clovelly is among the safest beaches in the State, according to Surf Life Saving NSW. Only Tamarama and Maroubra lack ocean pools.

: There are ageing toilet blocks at each of the beaches and the huge crowds in the east means they're not always the cleanest. Bronte reserve is a favourite for family barbecues, while Maroubra has plenty of play equipment for the kids.

Only the grassy knoll at North Bondi rivals the Finger Wharf at Woolloomooloo for most celebrities per square metre.

Everyone from Leonardo DiCaprio to Nigella Lawson have been spotted on the sands of Bondi Beach recently. Hell, even the Lifeguards in Bondi are celebrities.

Don't even think about bringing your dog on the beach. This is the eastern suburbs, darling.

: Ditto dogs. Many of the reserves are alcohol free too, but as long as you're not acting like a moron the authorities will turn a blind eye.

The bad:
Bondi is a zoo. The Traffic is a nightmare, parking non-existent, and Campbell parade is hideously ugly and littered with overpriced souvenirs shops and cafes. The southern end of the beach is a wasteland of hungover, pasty skinned backpackers while the north end is a haven for way-cooler-than-thou models, graphic designers and other E-grade miscellaneous celebrities.

Bondi gets a 2, but the rest drag the East up to a 4.


Vilken ar din favoritstrand i Sydney?

Varldens vitaste strand

Vart ligger varldens vitaste strand? Karibbien, Thailand, eller ar det Whitsundays i stora barriarrevet?

Nej, varldens vitaste strand enligt Guiness Rekord Bok at Hyams Beach, tre timmar soder om Sydney utanfor Jervis Bay.

Att jag tills nu har missat detta stalle ar skandal.

Sanslost vacker strand och kristallklart vatten. Sag ut som hamtat ur nagot glassigt resemagasin.

Och bast av allt; trots att det var en varm dag nar vi var dar sa var det inte packat med folk!

Fick aven traffa Anna igen som var dar med sin kille sa det var ocksa ett plus :)

Sa alla ni Sydney-svenskar: Ak till Hyams Beach!

Forsta sommardagen

Idag ar forsta officiella sommardagen for aret i Australien.

Firar med lunch i parken utanfor jobbet.

Hund + Gris = Wombat

``Vad ar det dar?! Det ser ut som en korsning mellan en hund och en gris!'' utbrast Rosie nar hon for forsta gangen sag en wombat igar.

Bra beskrivning tycker jag!

Daliga saker med den australiska sommaren

Och den har ar inte ens av den hariga, giftiga eller ens sarskilt stora sorten

Saker man far snart-ar-sommaren-har kanslor av

Backpackers i Cronulla, med deras stooora vaskor, hoprullade liggunderlag och bekvama skor.

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